Thursday, 7 February 2013

Pregnancy Prediction - Boy or Girl

Couples who are to become parents for the first time are usually anxious to find the gender of their baby. The most common question you hear newly conceived mothers asking is whether it is a boy or a girl? Lots of myths and old wives tales surround this question and couples use all sorts of gender predictors to find out their baby's gender.
You will also find a number of gender prediction quizzes online which are not only fun to fill out, but they also help predict your baby's gender. We have also compiled a list of things and signs you should look for in order to find out your baby's gender. Remember, these quizzes and pregnancy predictors are weird ways of predicting, but they are fun and an exciting part of pregnancy.
Some of the common signs pregnant women can look for when they are expecting are listed below. These signs will help you find your baby's sex:

Low Bump

If your bump is low, you're carrying a boy but if you are carrying high, you'll have a baby girl.
Your baby's heart beat - When you visit your obstetrician next time, ask her to check your baby's heart beat. If the heartbeat is below 140, it is a baby boy, but if it is more than 140 beats, chances are it's a baby girl.

Your Cravings

Pregnant women have all sorts of cravings but if you mostly crave for salty or sour stuff, then it's a boy and if you crave for sweets like chocolates and ice cream, then it is a baby girl. However, health professionals have dismissed this as being relevant to the gender of your baby.

Living together with your partner

Another study shows that couples who live together are more likely to have a baby boy and those living apart will most likely have a baby girl. The reason behind this is associated with frequent sex which gives male sperms a bigger advantage.

Your Stress Levels

Moms who conceive during periods of high stress are more likely to conceive a baby boy because high stress levels increase the level of testosterone in the body which may lead to changes in the egg, allowing easier penetration for male sperm.

Your age at Conception

A mother's age at conception and the year of conception also helps determine the baby's gender. If both the year of conception and age of conception are even or odd, then it is a girl but if one number is even and the other is odd, it's a boy.

Acne Breakouts during pregnancy

If you are having a lot of acne breakouts during pregnancy, chances are your baby girl is stealing all your beauty leaving you with all the annoying zits.

You and your partners age

If you and your partner are more than 40 years old, you will most likely have a baby girl. This could be due to hormonal changes in your body and also due to the fact that you and your partner have less frequent sex.

Pregnancy Sickness

Severe pregnancy sickness, especially in the first trimester indicates you're having a baby girl.
There are many more pregnancy predictors which you can use to find out your baby's gender, such as whether you conceived in the tropics or anywhere else or if you conceived during summers or in the winter.


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